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The Myth Of

Vangelis Athanasius

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This carrd describes and/or depicts domestic abuse, physical abuse, death, and cannibalism. You have been warned.

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As you read Vangelis' story, allow this song to accompany you.

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Note: If you unable to read this carrd's information, please feel free to look at the google docs version of this application. The docs version also contains a "tldr" version of history.

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Page 1

✶ General Information ✶

Primary Class: Intelligence
Secondary Class: Medic
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Dob: November 22
Colony of origin: Atropos
Place of birth: Alexandroupolis, Greece
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Stat: Single
Speaks: English, Greek, and Turkish
Voice Claim: V from DMC 5

✶ Appearance ✶

Height: 6'3
Weight: 200 lbs
Build: Mesomorph
Blood Type: Ab -
Ethnicity: Greek | Turkish
Overview: Vangelis is a man with pale ivory skin to match his seemingly dull, lifeless eyes and crestfallen expression. He has thick black hair that forms waves from the top of his head down to his neck. His body is muscular yet lean, painted with both obscure black tattoos and the deepest of scars hinting at a troubled past.


Page 2


Vangelis is strategic. From his words to his actions, he plans everything he does carefully, knowing what exact effect he wants it to have. Life is a game, and it’s a game he aims to win. Carefully maneuvering and weaving your own path is the way to go.
The man’s versatility originally started as a means of survival. Growing up, his life seemed to be ever changing which led to Vangelis learning how to adapt to new situations, people, and worlds.
Vangelis is sharp-witted, constantly alert, and analyzing his environment at all times. He does not hesitate to use this trait to his advantage in life-threatening situations.
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Vangelis is quite secretive when it comes to both his past and any information regarding his personal life. He chooses to conceal his feelings most of the time and declines any sort of invitation to speak about his troublesome past.
Most of the time you can find Vangelis to be quite “emotionless” or neutral when he is alone. He is not quick to reveal his true emotions and prefers it this way. However, it is no problem for him to express emotions in conversations and such for the comfort of the people he interacts with.
Vangelis handles matters with a direct sort of approach. Not one to think with his heart, he aims to accomplish his job with his logical thinking and action rather than fleeting emotions.
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As a man who believes that every man is for themselves in this world, Vangelis spares little thought to others around him. People are pawns, and pawns are meant to be used. Unfortunately, as a result, it is rare for him to build genuine connections and relationships with his peers.
Vangelis is willing to do anything for his personal gain. If manipulation is the way he must get what he wants, then he will do it with ease. Although he usually has no ill intent towards the other party, he has developed this sort of behavior due to the “survival of the fittest” attitude he has experienced on Earth.
Vangelis is quite superficial during most of his interactions with the people around him. His purpose for these interactions is to appease his conversational partners in order to build better relationships with them for when he may need their assistance later.


Mortuary Science
Black Tea


Excessive Noise


Page 3


LOCKED ON | Enemies cannot evade close range or long range attacks for two turns.ANTI-VIRUS | Guards of Phanes naturally have a -2 rolls in the presence of this Intelligence officer.SWIFT | +3 to rolls when running, chasing, or evading.RED CROSS | When activated this medic is immune to damage for two consecutive rounds. Can only be used once per event.BIG MUSCLE | +3 to rolls when using strength. ͏͏͏͏͏͏


Pack of Cigarettes
Pendant of - - - - - -
Nail Polish
Swiss Army Knife
First Aid Kit


First Aid Training
CPR Training

The Fall

Page 4

The Fall Of Athanasius

In the depths of Alexandroupolis, Greece at the colony of Atropos, a child was born to the young couple Dolion and Esana Athanasius. Joy could not even begin to describe or capture the couple’s feelings towards their newborn. Esana had weeped over the sight of her own child. After all the tears were wept and the laughter had died down, Esana looked into the bright eyes of her new baby and proclaimed that his name would be Vangelis, the messenger of good news. For this child had single handedly changed both her and her husband’s lives forever.““Oh, Dolion! Isn’t he beautiful? We've been blessed with such a cute baby boy,” Esana said smiling down at the newborn child giggling in her arms.
Dolion nodded as he brushed his hand against the child’s cheek, surprised when the boy grabbed his hand and held it close to his chest.
“Oh, aren’t you a clever one?” Dolion laughed, “What do you plan on naming him, my love?”Esana looked up at Dolion and smiled confidently, “Vangelis. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and you know...this child has been the best news we’ve received in our lives,” she said, hoping for Dolion’s approval.==“A wise choice, Esana. Vangelis it is.”
Dolion Athanasius originally hailed from Mars, but came to Earth with the intention of working in a biome as a human evolutionary biologist. Unfortunately, his work would be interrupted and his livelihood would take a change for the worse when his biome came under attack. The perpetrators' identities were unknown to Dolion, but with his biome gone and nowhere to go he was forced to flee. The man would quickly find refuge in a nearby colony of the name Atropos. A settlement of a meager 40 inhabitants and a dying population. To call it even a colony or a settlement was a crude joke. In fact, Atropos was nothing but an area where nearby settlements dumped their inhabitants that were no longer fit for survival to die alone.It was a barren place, but one that would have no qualms of his arrival or stay. Not so long after Dolion arrived he met a woman named Esana. The man stayed with her and her father, Soner, for a number of months adjusting to R-001. It was hard for the man to challenge the beliefs he was fed for so long by his homeland, but with his growing feelings towards Esana, he managed to change. Eventually the pair became a couple and Esana would become pregnant with Vangelis. The couple hurriedly began to prepare for their new child’s arrival with great excitement. Soner was also overjoyed to hear the news and prospect of him finally becoming a grandfather. However, he was worried about the lack of supplies they had for a child. Soner quickly decided that now was the best time to leave to explore nearby colonies in hopes of gathering more resources for the little one on the way. Saying his goodbyes to his daughter and son-in-law, the man would soon disappear.Time passed and Vangelis was born. The couple did their best as newly made parents to care for their newborn. Esana arguably did the most work to keep the family together and grounded. Her selflessness knew no bounds and she did her best to appease both Dolion and Vangelis’ growing needs. The woman did everything she could to make life comfortable for her husband and her son even if it was at the stake of her mental and physical health. However, the life Esana so carefully made for her family soon began to crumble in front of her eyes and she could do nothing about it.After Vangelis reached the age of seven, Dolion had started to change, the state of Earth taking a toll on who he was and what he standed for. The possibility that his residency on R-001 was not temporary loomed over him, a possibility that he would not accept as reality. Once a man of virtue, he was now a man drowning in his own vices. Steadily, Dolion did not find himself reading to his son stories, or singing lullabies together with Esana to soothe Vangelis to sleep. Instead, he had become increasingly vicious, ruthless, and cold blooded towards his own family and Esana had noticed this. She noticed and it had broken her. What did she do wrong? Was she not good enough for Dolion? Did she not do enough for the family and him? Why? These questions would race through her mind, constantly taunting her and picking at her. Many nights she found herself weeping bitterly, no joy left in those eyes of hers. Dolion’s behavior had caused Esana to push herself to help him and solve whatever the problem was, anything to let the image of a family live on just a bit longer. Unfortunately, her efforts were for naught. Her attempts to reach out to Dolion had only pushed him to become even more aggressive with her. Yelling turned to shoving, arguments into fights, and hurtful remarks to constant insults.For six years, Dolion made sure to leave Esana bruised, tattered and unfixable mentally and physically. The same could be said for his son as well. Vangelis had watched the absolute horrors of the torture Dolion had forced Esana to suffer through at first, speechless and shaking in fear. However, one day, when Vangelis was 13, the fighting, arguments, and yelling all ceased to exist. His father had made the decision to pack his belongings and finally leave. To where was unknown to anyone, but everyone knew his desire to return to L-004 had finally won.The aftermath of Dolion’s departure was tumultuous to say the least. As Esana fell more into despair, Vangelis’ responsibilities were stacking higher than ever before. He found himself stealing and scavenging to keep the “family” afloat and other times tending to his mother by bathing, feeding, and consoling her. Many days he found her lying in bed, her eyes dull and staring aimlessly at the room’s walls. It seemed as if there were no traces left of Esana’s once happy, joyful demeanor anymore in her body and instead a cold, lifeless doll had replaced her. Vangelis had felt hopeless as if everything would continue to come crashing down and he couldn’t do anything about it, just like his mother.

The Fallen Angel

Fortunately, as time passed on, Esana’s state seemed to slowly improve. The determination that once filled her eyes came back and her old self was slowly returning. Vangelis was simply overjoyed at this change and he did his best to make his mother happy. This resulted in the two indulging in many activities they both enjoyed such as cooking, visiting the ocean and more. At some point, Esana eventually returned to her original self-confident, happy, and loving Vangelis as much as she could. This brought Vangelis indescribable joy and he faithfully promised to his mother during one of their activities that he would do anything for her if it meant he could see her smile and laugh forever.“The beaches near Atropos were not in the best shape. The sand was riddled with trash, pollution filled the ocean, yet Vangelis found something soothing in its presence. Was it his mother that drove him to enjoy the company of such a desolate place? Glancing in his mother’s direction, his question was quickly answered. Any place that his mother resided in was beautiful simply from her presence- even the most dreadful or dilapidated of places, Esana could change the atmosphere completely.This realization always drove Vangelis to feel overprotective over his mother, as if Esana would disappear if he made one wrong move. Deep in his mind, Vangelis knew that this desire of his to keep his mother away from the world’s harsh wrath was impossible and irrational of him. However, after witnessing his mother’s downfall when his father left was enough for him to feel this way.Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a voice,“Dear? What are you looking at?” Esana asked, turning to meet Vangelis’ gaze.“Ah, nothing Mama....I was just thinking about something,” he replied, looking away.Esana frowned, and placed her hand on his shoulder, “Vangelis, if something is bothering you, you know you can always talk to me.”The teen laughed and shyly beamed at his mother, “I was thinking about how I would do anything for you if it meant you could always stay happy like this.”He watched his mother’s expressions carefully, Esana’s face wore an expression of shock, but quickly changed into a melancholic smile.“Vangelis...sometimes I think you must have been an angel sent down to me personally,” she said with a light chuckle.His mother sighed and looked to the ocean ahead of them, “Although, I’m happy you love me to that extent and I would also do anything for you, you should know....”“That the most dangerous thing in this world is to love.”Vangelis knew exactly what Esana was speaking about. They both knew how love could drive someone insane and how it could push someone to lose themselves just like his mother did. He knew that Esana’s words were not meant to hurt him, but to warn him to not make the same mistake she did, to not lose yourself while loving another.Since this conversation, Vangelis and his mother only grew closer and closer. Life seemed to return to normalcy and all was well. Unfortunately, this would end on Vangelis’ 16th birthday.For his birthday, Vangelis had asked his mother to explore an abandoned mansion near their home. Although Esana was wary at first, she reluctantly agreed and prepared food so they could have a picnic later on.As they entered the mansion, the two were met by the most hauntingly beautiful scenery they had witnessed during their lives in Alexandroupolis. Both of them were in absolute awe and spent the day exploring the many hidden treasures that lied within the walls of the building.The sun was slowly setting and Esana and Vangelis found themselves in a dilapidated courtyard with a single statue in the middle of it all. Vangelis’ mother decided it was best to rest there and eat, so she told Vangelis to fetch the picnic basket while she waited there.He agreed and left to go find the basket. Once he returned, a scene that would haunt him forever laid in front of him.Esana lay bloody near the statue, surrounded by the mechanical remains of what appeared to be two Guard of Phanes.Esana’s breathing was shaky and shallow. “Ah...Vangelis...come here,”she said, reaching her hand out to him.Vangelis immediately obeyed, sputtering out, “Mama, don’t worry. I can fix this, you’ll be fine! I’ll fix you and we’ll be fine. I-I can fix this- I’ll stop the bleeding and we can get you help-”Esana weakly grabbed Vangelis’ hands, “No..I..I believe it’s time for me to go...I don’t want to leave you, but life is…unfair,” she gasped for air.He refused to believe it, but he knew that his mother would not last long. Vangelis looked down to his mother’s chest, multiple deep wounds riddled her body, blood soaking into her clothes at an alarming rate.He bit back a sob, “Please Mama, don’t leave me...I’m begging you..”“Vangelis…” Esana stared into his eyes, tears welling in her own eyes as she watched his pain expression. It tore her apart knowing that she would never be able to see her child grow, to see him fall in love, to just see him enjoy life. She wanted to sob, not from the pain of the wounds, but for her child. However, she knew that she did not have time to dwell on these thoughts.“I love you, my angel”With that, Esana’s bright eyes dulled and her body went limp.After Esana’s death, Vangelis’ mental state began to decline. Fortunately for him, his maternal grandfather, Soner Yilmaz, entered the scene not too long after. Soner had finally returned from his journey, but not to the scene he long imagined. With his daughter dead and his son-in-law gone, Vangelis was now his only remaining family member.Vangelis’ grandfather was reasonably distraught, but he decided that the best course of action now was to raise his grandson alone. The man offered Vangelis the opportunity to become his mentee and live with him. Soner knew that there was nothing for the boy in Atropos, but there were colonies and settlements that could accept him. He had a personal desire for Vangelis to learn his knowledge and make use of it to live a better life somewhere else far far away.To his surprise, Vangelis refused.Vangelis would take this time to leave Atropos to aimlessly wander the wilderness at the mere age of 16. He would spend 3 years surviving through robbing, killing, and scavenging for the neccessities of life. The man’s way of living had become so utterly desperate to the point that he dabbled in the taste of human flesh. The only thing that accompanied him during his hopeless period of life was a lone raven he befriended named Lachesis. These 3 years he spent suffering were truly spent grieving the loss of his mother. However, when Vangelis hit the age of 20, he realized it was time for change.

The Rise And Home

Page 5

The Rise of Vangelis

Soner Yılmaz, Vangelis’ grandfather, took Vangelis under his wing when he was 20 years old. For five years, Vangelis studied under Soner’s guidance and found he had a love and thirst for knowledge. During this time, he also found that he enjoyed the study of the mind or, in simpler terms, neuroscience. Fortunately, Soner could satisfy Vangelis’ desire and decided to mentor him.Soner spent the next few years drilling the information he knew from his life on Mars into his mind secretly in hopes that Vangelis would be able to use and apply this knowledge in a new settlement, unbeknownst to him. Luckily, Vangelis excelled in his studies and in a multitude of topics such as intelligence, biology, behavioral and cognitive psychology.Over time, Vangelis and Soner had grown close with one another and began to lean on each other for support. For the first time in his life, Vangelis felt stable enough to put his trust in someone else without the fear of the person leaving him. On the other hand, Soner had been glad that he could finally build a relationship with his grandson. The pair slowly grew to be inseparable.Life had grown quite peaceful for Vangelis during this time. Unfortunately, this peace did not last and life had forced him to move once again. This time, his destination was Salus.

A New Home

As the numbers dwindled in Atropos and the wrinkles on Soner’s face deepened, Vangelis’ grandfather knew it was time for him to finally say his goodbyes and thank his grandchild for accompanying him all these years.Soner and Vangelis ate breakfast together, chatting away about the latest things they’ve heard around Atropos and such from the previous day.Suddenly, Soner had grown quiet, solemnly looking down at his plate of food. Vangelis noticed and opened his mouth to question his grandfather until he was interrupted.“Vangelis, you’ve noticed Atropo’s resources and people are diminishing, yes?”He furrowed his brows, “Yes, I have. Are you worried about it? I’m sure we can figure something out.”“I am worried about it. That’s why I want you to leave this place,” Soner uttered with a determined look in his eyes.Vangelis’ heart dropped,“Alone? Why?”“You’re already well aware that I’m 80 years old now. Traveling to anywhere else is near impossible for me with my health and…I will be meeting my end sooner or later,” his grandfather stated.Vangelis stayed quiet for a moment before replying, “Then, at least let me stay with you until you reach that time. Who will take care of you If I’m gone?”“Son,” Soner spoke firmly, “You deserve a better life than wasting your time with a dying population. I did not teach you my knowledge only for you to use it for nothing. You’re 25, you have a long road ahead of you.”Vangelis knew that his grandfather was right. Atropos had little to no people remaining there and the so-called settlement was as good as dead. Fulfilling their needs was always hard, but as the ocean gradually lost her ability to care for them, survival became even worse. There was not much of anything left for Vangelis here, but the attachment to his grandfather was strong. However, Soner gave him no time to mourn and packed the man’s belongings, leaving him with one last message:“Vangelis, I wish you the best. You’ve always been bright like your mother and just like her I’m sure you will shine as well.”With Soner’s best wishes, Vangelis leaves Atropos to find a more viable settlement. As he travels and moves from colony to colony, the man finds himself at the doorsteps of Salus and has stayed in the settlement for 5 years.